We develop
and revitalize disinvested areas.

We drive economic
impact through equitable investment.

We advance
partnerships to build community-wide capacity.

What's New?

Our Values


We approach our work with transparency and integrity to establish and uphold the public trust.


We celebrate the successes of our city while recognizing its history and the need to expand access to the resources, opportunities, and influence necessary to live, work, and thrive.

Community Collaboration

We prioritize community voice and participation to inform and guide our work.


We embrace an entrepreneurial approach to community development and the transformation of the built environment.


We promote authentic and empowered participation, where all people feel they are heard, respected, and belong.


We support partnerships, opportunities, and developments that build the leadership capacity of all members of our community.


A more vibrant Baton Rouge for everyone.


Bringing people and resources together to promote equitable investment, innovative development, and thriving communities across all of Baton Rouge.

About Us

Build Baton Rouge was created as The East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority by the 2007 Louisiana Legislature and began operations in 2009. It is governed by a five-member Board of Directors and its jurisdiction includes the entirety of East Baton Rouge Parish. Board members are appointed by the City of Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor-President, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, and the Baton Rouge Area Chamber. The Authority was created to formulate a workable program or programs for using appropriate private and public resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of blight, to encourage needed rehabilitation, and to provide for the redevelopment of blighted areas, or to undertake other feasible parochial activities as may be suitably employed to achieve the objectives of such workable program in order to build a more equitable Baton Rouge. 


A more vibrant Baton Rouge for everyone.


Bringing people and resources together to promote equitable investment, innovative development, and thriving communities across all of Baton Rouge.

About Us

Build Baton Rouge was created as The East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority by the 2007 Louisiana Legislature and began operations in 2009. It is governed by a five-member Board of Directors and its jurisdiction includes the entirety of East Baton Rouge Parish. Board members are appointed by the City of Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor-President, the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, and the Baton Rouge Area Chamber. The Authority was created to formulate a workable program or programs for using appropriate private and public resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of blight, to encourage needed rehabilitation, and to provide for the redevelopment of blighted areas, or to undertake other feasible parochial activities as may be suitably employed to achieve the objectives of such workable program in order to build a more equitable Baton Rouge. 


Affordable Housing Units


Jobs Created


Store-Fronts Improved

Land Bank

Build Baton Rouge has been strategic in identifying and acquiring vacant and adjudicated properties within our targeted areas. Land banking is a key component of redevelopment planning, and we work with the City-Parish government to identify properties that contribute to blight and disinvestment and identify the resources and community-led plans to return them to commerce in ways that transform communities.

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Open RFQ/RFP(s)

Urban Planning


Annual Reports